Prayer Resources

The following prayer material is just a beginning. If you would like to add to this resource please contact NCRS and we will be in touch.

  1. The ‘New’ Secondary Prayer Resource

    A ‘re-write’ of the old resource is taking shape. The draft of the first half of the new resource includes ideas for prayer for secondary year levels. (Feedback most welcome.)

  2. Prayer in Te Reo

    Te Rūnanga o te Hāhi Katorika ki Aotearoa (a Link to prayers in Prayers in Māori with an English translation).

  3. Creative Prayer Ideas

    The following are a range of ideas and prayers for use with groups of young people. They are listed in no particular order.

  4. The ‘old’ Secondary Prayer Resource

    The resource below was written for secondary schools over 20 years ago. It still holds a wealth of wonderful ideas and teaching about prayer. However, it’s rather dated in format. (NCRS is working on a revamped version.)

    To view sections of this download the pdf files below.