Year 9

9A – My Story – Our Story

The purpose of this topic is to invite us to make an exploration of our family and cultural backgrounds. An important part of this topic will be a study of the beginnings and traditions of the school we are associated with. more»

9B – The Life and Times of Jesus

This module is grouped around the headings, “The land of Jesus’ people” “The history of Jesus’ people” “Religious, social and political groupings in Jesus’ time” and events from the “Life of Jesus”. This material includes several links to virtual tours of the Holy Land. more»

9F – Beginnings of the Church in Aotearoa/New Zealand

Bishop Pompallier and the first missionaries set out for New Zealand on 24 December 1836. Two years later, on 10 January 1838 they arrived in the Hokianga, at the home of Thomas and Mary Poynton. Here-in lies the beginning of our spiritual heritage in Aotearoa – New Zealand. more»

9C – The Eucharist and the Church’s Year

The pinnacle liturgical celebration in the Church is Eucharist. This topic brings together resources that look at the development of the Eucharist, its liturgical structure and the yearly cycle of seasons which the Eucharist fits into. more»

9D – The Church’s Story: The Beginnings

This deals with the story of the early Church in Jerusalem and beyond to 800CE. It focuses on some significant people and events of that time. more»

9E – Creation and Co-creation

How did the world begin? Did God create the world in seven days? Did the universe begin with a Big Bang? Does the Church accept the Theory of Evolution? What should our relationship be to the world in which we live? How can we be co-creators and not de-creators? more»

9G – Recognising Signs of God

Signs and Symbols point us to a meaning beyond themselves. This topic looks at how symbols help us to express deeper realities. Thus a flag expresses nationhood. The Church uses symbols and ritual to help us understand the mystery of God. The Sacraments are introduced as a special type of symbolic action. more»

9H – Sacraments of Initiation

A look at Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. more»