The names we hear in the stories about Jesus in the Bible are real places. Many of them still exist. In this section we explore the land that Jesus walked, the places he visited.
A virtual tour of Jerusalem.
Bethlehem is the Judean town that was the backdrop for various Biblical events, notably Jesus’ birth.
Before Jesus’ life and death Palestine was an important area of the Middle East because of trade routes and promises God had made to the chosen people of Israel.
Timeline before Jesus’ birth – Palestine from 3000 years before Jesus to 2006.
Jesus’ social and religious background influenced his teaching and how he was accepted by others. The politics of Palestine during this time was also influential.
Find out more about The World of Jesus’ Time under the headings of:
Exploring what is known about the Life of Jesus.
The Catholic Encyclopaedia outlines the absolute and relative chronology of our Lord’s life.
In the footprints of Jesus, explore the journey Mary and Joseph took during his early years when they went to Egypt. Then look at his travels during the first year of his ministry when he was about 30.
In a very brief form, an outline of the life of Jesus.
A timeline of the life of Jesus.
The Jesus of the scriptures, including documentation of the parables, miracles, similarities between and comparisons of the Gospels.
The life of Jesus has meaning because of the events of Holy Week the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
In pictorial form, with explanation and prayerful reflection, the Franciscan Friars trace the final stages of Jesus’ life.
Includes an exploration of the Stations of the Cross:
Life and Times of Jesus