By naming God as Creator the Christian community is explaining the why of creation not the how. God created to share the love and goodness with every creature but in particular the humans who are created in God’s image. Creation is a profound witness to God’s love and wisdom.
Jesus became human to show us how to live. By following him we develop our human potential and become more God-like. Jesus proclaims the reign of God and how we can follow his example in our care for others.
Being Human
The Consistent Ethic of Life
Sacrament of Anointing
The Holy Spirit is the presence of God in our world and is active in every time and place as well as in the heart of every person.
If you are being assessed to Achievement Standard 90819 these resources may be useful support material.
Remember that these are resources that fit the generic title of the standard. You should read the actual standard 90819, the national moderator’s report and the assessment task that your school has set.
If there are articles you have found useful then please contact with details so that we can share them.
Trinity Quiz
This quiz tests your knowledge of the Trinity Unit