The media is full of stories regarding suggesting that Christians do not accept scientific theories of evolution. This is not true.
The Catholic Educators’ Resource Centre provides a number of links which deal with issues of Evolution.
Laudato Si’ Activity
What is Laudato Si’?
Saving our common home: It’s more than being a tidy kiwi
Saving our common home: It’s all about relationships:
Human beings have always asked “how did we get here”. The response of many cultures was to tell a story, a myth to explain creation.
Flash Movies tell creation myths in picture and sound with follow-up exercises to do. Includes the Māori creation myth Pronunciation not great.
An Aboriginal Creation story
The Rainbow Serpent
Egyptian creation myth and the great creators, Atum and Khepri.
World Myths and Legends – Google Earth. At present only a small number of stories here.
The Christian community presents the story of Creation in the Book of Genesis.
Outline and explanation of the two creation stories in Genesis.
What is Stewardship?
We are all called to be stewards and care for God’s creation.
What can we do?
Young Reporters for the Environment
Forest and Bird Youth
Nature Space:Ecological Restoration in Aotearoa
This site has links to organisations you might be interested in.
New Zealand Climate Action Network
The Scientist has interesting and useful articles on ecology and the environment.
Some examples of how humans de-create by misusing their free will.
Environment News Service (ENS) provides up to date information on environmental issues.
Earth Observatory provide a fact sheet on de-forestation.
Greta Thunberg talks about climate change and what she did about it.
Overview on Acid Rain what it is, what causes it and how it can be prevented.
Catholic Social Teaching challenges each of us to be responsible with God for care of the earth.
Care for God’s Creation
Catholic Social Teaching on Stewardship. A short slide presentation.
Creation and Co-Creation