From the Latin word passio meaning ‘suffering’, the term Passion refers to the suffering and death of Jesus as recounted in the Gospels.
The English word Jew, and its adjective Jewish, is derived ultimately from a Greek word referring to the Hebrew patriarch Judah and the tribe descended from him. It is used:
Jesus and his apostles and many others of the first Christians were Jews.
John the Baptist or the “baptiser” was the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth and a relative of Jesus. He lived the life of a wandering preacher or prophet warning of the coming of the Messiah and calling people to undergo a baptism of repentance. He saw his role in life as that predicted by the prophet Isaiah to “prepare a way for the Lord”. When he baptised Jesus in the River Jordan, John recognised him as the Messiah. King Herod had John imprisoned and beheaded.
Southern part of Palestine in Greek and Roman times. The word is derived from Judah. The name Judaea was given to a Province of the Roman Empire.
The name Judah has three main applications in the Old Testament:
The religion of the Jewish people as it developed after the return from Exile in Babylon. Find out what Jews today believe.