A New RE Curriculum

To Tātou Whakapono Our Faith

The new RE curriculum for Aotearoa Catholic schools, was approved by the NZ bishops at the end of 2021. It is available in the NCRS area of Te Kupenga’s website: https://www.tekupenga.ac.nz/ncrs/, along with the projected timeline for roll-out in schools. It’s an exciting phase of development and, especially within the challenging environment of Covid-19, NCRS is planning for schools to take quality time to get up to speed with the new document. Principals, DRSs, RE teachers and Boards are encouraged to read it and become familiar with the contents but to plan implementing the new curriculum from 2024 – keeping pace with the NCEA review and roll-out schedule. There is no rush to get on-board especially as the NCRS team, working with teachers and REAs, plans to significantly support schools with quality resources.

Please note, that our focus has moved to resourcing this new curriculum since the end of 2020. This involves building a completely new web-site which is still some time away. Therefore, we will no longer be developing FaithCentral, but we aim to keep it functioning for secondary schools throughout the transition to To Tātou Whakapono Our Faith.