The National Centre for Religious Studies, developing an initiative from the Palmerston North Diocese, has produced a Sexuality Resource Grid Package (SRP) to help our schools navigate the teaching of human sexuality from a Catholic perspective (Framing Document 2019) and within the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education in September 2020.  

The Sexuality Resource Grids within the package are in NZ Curriculum levels 1 – 8 and so need to be understood and framed within teaching over the two years period for Levels 1- 5, and within a single year for Levels 6 – 8.  

It is important to remember that not all aspects of Human Sexuality will be taught within Religious Education and the Sexuality Resource Grids explore other areas of the curriculum where the concepts can be taught. The grids are not exhaustive but aim to help you on the journey of working through these documents to enable the best for your students. We also aim to update them as new resources are created and become available.

He Anga Whakamārama Te Mātauranga Hōkakatanga: He puka ārahi mā   ngā hapori Katorika o Aotearoa Framing Document Human Sexuality Education: A guide for Catholic communities in Aotearoa New Zealand (2019) will be updated slightly in 2021.

The url link where the Sexuality Resource Grid package can be accessed is: 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Lyn Smith on